
Monday, October 26, 2015

The Story So Far (As I've Been Absent Lately)


I'm still alive (mostly) and well (mostly), although I must admit that there might have been a couple of things that I've neglected lately.

Sadly, those things will have to be neglected (again) for the near future - and by near future I mean for another month, because I'll be joining NaNoWriMo again this year in the hopes of bagging a third win and another pretty book in my (future) bookshelf. I'll probably be pantsing most of this year's novel, which means I'll probably be more grumpy and brooding than usual (and I do apologize in advance for that).

Anyhow, the things that have happened for the past two months (in no particular order) are:

  • watched a musical (and somehow got free seat upgrades)
  • went to Art In Island and scored some strange photos
  • spent a few days in Cambodia to visit temples, trek a couple of mountains
  • finished the King's Fall raid, sending Oryx's dead ass hurtling towards Saturn
  • ate a lobster roll
I promise to write about a couple of these after the insanity that is November.

Lastly, my 2014 NaNoWriMo entry, Domino, is now up for sale in Amazon (paperback) and Lulu (hardcover). It's crazy pricey (although it's the websites who mostly control the prices) - but at 382 pages, I hope it's worth it in all its nigh-unrevised glory. And yes, this is a shameless plug. I'm sorry.


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